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September 3, 2024

11 Min read

Complete Guide to Fixing WordPress Dashboard Not Loading Issues

Your WordPress dashboard is the brains of your entire website, the place where you manage content, customize themes, and control plugins.

But what happens when this vital hub suddenly stops loading or doesn’t display correctly? Frustration sets in, and you’re left unable to manage your site. Anyone who’s worked on WordPress can vouch for the fact that there is nothing more soul-sucking than a malfunctioning WordPress dashboard.

Whether it's a blank screen, loading without proper styling, or simply not working as expected, these issues can bring your website’s management to a complete standstill which can be catastrophic for your bottom line.

In this guide, we’ll explore the common reasons behind WordPress dashboard not loading properly and provide step-by-step solutions to get your site back on track. Let’s dive in and troubleshoot the issues that are keeping your dashboard from running smoothly.

Common Symptoms of WordPress Dashboard Not Loading 

When your WordPress admin panel isn’t functioning as it should, the symptoms can vary, but they’re all equally disruptive.

It could be something seemingly innocuous such as slow loading of the dashboard, unresponsive elements, or even a general sluggishness in functionality.

Identifying the specific problem is the first step toward resolving it. Here are some of the most common issues you might encounter:

  • WordPress Dashboard Not Loading Properly: This is one of the most frustrating scenarios—clicking on your dashboard only to be greeted by a blank screen or a partial load where nothing seems to work. This issue often leaves you unable to access crucial site management tools.
Dashboard content not loading
  • WordPress Dashboard CSS Not Loading: Sometimes, your dashboard might load, but it looks completely unstyled as if someone stripped away all the formatting. This indicates that the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) responsible for the design and layout isn’t loading correctly, making the interface difficult to navigate.
Broken CSS style on WP dashboard
  • WordPress Admin Dashboard Not Displaying Correctly: In this case, the dashboard might appear, but with significant issues such as misaligned elements, missing buttons, or broken layouts. This can severely impact your ability to perform tasks, as the interface is no longer intuitive or reliable.
Elements not loading on WP dashboard

Recognizing these symptoms early on can help you quickly pinpoint the underlying problem and take the necessary steps to restore your dashboard to its full functionality.

Causes of WordPress Dashboard Not Loading

Understanding what's causing your WordPress dashboard not loading properly is crucial to finding the right solution. Several factors can contribute to these problems, ranging from simple browser issues to more complex server-related problems. Here’s a breakdown of the most common causes:

1. Browser-Related Issues

  • Outdated Browser or Cache Problems: If you’re using an outdated browser or haven’t cleared your cache in a while, it can result in the WordPress admin dashboard not displaying properly or not at all. Cached data might conflict with new updates or changes made to your site, leading to display issues.
  • Browser Extensions: Some browser extensions, especially those related to ad-blocking or security, can interfere with how your WordPress dashboard loads. These extensions might block necessary scripts or styles, causing parts of the dashboard to malfunction.

2. Plugin or Theme Conflicts

  • Incompatible Plugins: Plugins add functionality to your site, but if they’re not well-maintained or incompatible with your version of WordPress, they can cause the dashboard to crash or not load correctly. This is especially common after updates.
  • Theme Issues: Similar to plugins, a poorly coded or outdated theme can lead to dashboard display issues. Sometimes, a theme’s custom code might conflict with WordPress core files, leading to loading problems.

3. Server-Side Problems

  • Insufficient Memory or PHP Errors: WordPress requires sufficient server resources to run smoothly. If your server doesn’t have enough memory allocated, or if there are PHP errors, your dashboard might fail to load properly. This can also happen if your server is running an outdated version of PHP.
  • Server Timeout: If your server is slow or experiencing high traffic, it might time out before the dashboard fully loads. This can result in a partial or blank screen.

4. File Permission Issues

  • Incorrect File Permissions: WordPress relies on specific file permissions to read and write data. If these permissions are not set correctly, it can prevent the dashboard from loading or cause certain elements to break. This is a common issue after migrating a site or making changes to your hosting setup.

5. WordPress Core or Database Corruption

  • Corrupted Core Files: If any of your WordPress core files become corrupted, it can lead to serious loading issues. This can happen due to failed updates, malware infections, or accidental file deletions.
  • Database Issues: The WordPress database is where all your site’s content and settings are stored. If this database becomes corrupted, it can cause issues such as the WordPress dashboard not loading correctly. Database corruption can occur due to plugin conflicts, server crashes, or improper shutdowns.

Identifying the root cause of your WordPress dashboard issues is key to applying the right fix. Each of these factors can have a significant impact on how your dashboard functions, so understanding them will guide you in resolving the problem efficiently.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Fix WordPress Dashboard Not Loading

Once you've identified the potential cause of your WordPress dashboard loading issues, it's time to apply the appropriate fixes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot and resolve these problems:

1. Check Your WordPress Dashboard Performance

Use Performance Monitoring Tools: Start by analyzing your dashboard’s performance to identify bottlenecks or slow-loading components.

  • How to Do It: Tools like Query Monitor or GTmetrix can help you monitor and diagnose performance issues. These tools can reveal if certain plugins, themes, or server resources are causing the dashboard to load slowly or not at all.
Query Monitor performance

Look for High Server Resource Usage: Sometimes, a spike in CPU or memory usage on your server can cause your WordPress admin to slow down or completely halt.

  • How to Do It: Check your hosting provider’s control panel or use server monitoring plugins to identify any unusual resource usage patterns.

2. Clear Browser Cache and Disable Extensions

Clear Browser Cache: Sometimes, outdated or corrupted cache files can cause WordPress dashboard not loading issues. Clear your browser cache to ensure that the most recent version of your WordPress dashboard is loaded.

  • How to Do It: Go to your browser’s settings, find the option to clear browsing data, and select “Cached images and files.” After clearing the cache, try reloading your dashboard.

Disable Browser Extensions: Certain extensions, especially those related to ad-blocking, security, or privacy, can interfere with your dashboard’s functionality.

  • How to Do It: Disable all extensions and reload the dashboard. If it works, enable the extensions one by one to identify the culprit.

3. Disable Plugins and Themes

Deactivate All Plugins: Plugin conflicts are a common cause of WordPress dashboard style not loading issues. Temporarily deactivate all plugins to see if the dashboard loads correctly.

  • How to Do It: If you can access the dashboard, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and deactivate them all. If you can’t access the dashboard, use an FTP client or your hosting cPanel to rename the plugins folder (e.g., from plugins to plugins_old). This will deactivate all plugins.
  • Check for the Issue: Reload the dashboard. If it loads, reactivate plugins one by one to identify the problematic one.

Switch to a Default Theme: If plugins aren’t the issue, your theme might be. Switch to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-Three.

  • How to Do It: Go to Appearance > Themes and activate a default theme. If you can’t access the dashboard, rename your active theme’s folder via FTP or cPanel. WordPress will automatically revert to a default theme.

4. Check and Adjust File Permissions

Verify File Permissions: Incorrect file permissions can cause your WordPress dashboard not displaying correctly as it can't access necessary files.

  • How to Do It: Use an FTP client or cPanel to check the permissions of your WordPress files and folders. Typically, directories should be set to 755 and files to 644. Adjust any incorrect permissions accordingly.
File permissions

5. Increase PHP Memory Limit

Edit the wp-config.php File: If your server is running out of memory, increasing the PHP memory limit can resolve the issue.

  • How to Do It: Access your site’s files via FTP or cPanel, open the wp-config.php file, and add the following line before the /* That's all, stop editing! */ comment:

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
PHP memory limit increase
  • Check for the Issue: Save the file and reload your dashboard.

6. Update WordPress, Themes, and Plugins

Keep Everything Updated: Outdated core files, plugins, or themes can cause compatibility issues leading to dashboard loading problems.

  • How to Do It: Update WordPress to the latest version, as well as your themes and plugins. If the dashboard isn’t accessible, you can update files manually via FTP by downloading the latest versions from

7. Repair WordPress Database

Use the WordPress Database Repair Tool: Corrupt database tables can prevent the dashboard from loading properly.

  • How to Do It: Add the following line to your wp-config.php file:

    define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);
Database repair on wp.config.php file
  • Check for the Issue: Visit and follow the on-screen instructions to repair your database. Don’t forget to remove the repair line from wp-config.php afterward.

8. Re-upload WordPress Core Files

Replace Core Files: If your WordPress core files are corrupted, re-uploading fresh copies can resolve the issue.

  • How to Do It: Download the latest version of WordPress from, extract the files, and overwrite your existing wp-admin and wp-includes directories via FTP. This won’t affect your site’s content.

File directory

9 . Check Server Logs for Errors

Review Server Error Logs: Server errors can give you clues about what’s going wrong.

  • How to Do It: Access your server error logs via cPanel or your hosting provider’s dashboard. Look for recent errors and address them accordingly, such as fixing file permission issues, updating PHP versions, or contacting your hosting provider for assistance.

Troubleshooting Advanced Issues

If the basic and intermediate solutions haven’t resolved your WordPress dashboard not loading issues, it’s time to dive deeper into more advanced troubleshooting techniques. These steps address less common but more complex problems that could be affecting your dashboard’s performance and accessibility.

1. DNS Configuration Errors

Check Your DNS Settings: Incorrect DNS settings can cause your site to load improperly which in turn can result in your WordPress admin not loading.

  • How to Do It: Log in to your domain registrar’s control panel and verify that your DNS records are correctly configured. Ensure that your A record points to the correct IP address of your server and that there are no conflicting records.
  • Use Online Tools: Services like can help you diagnose and verify your DNS settings across multiple locations.

2. SSL Configuration Problems

Verify SSL Certificate Installation: If your SSL certificate is not properly configured, it can cause issues when accessing the WordPress dashboard, especially if your site forces HTTPS.

  • How to Do It: Use tools like SSL Labs’ SSL Test to check if your SSL certificate is correctly installed and configured. Ensure that your site’s URLs are correctly set to HTTPS in the WordPress settings.
SSL server test
  • Check Mixed Content Issues: Sometimes, loading problems occur due to mixed content (HTTP and HTTPS) on your site and this can result in an error with an HTTPS code. Use browser developer tools to check if all assets are being served securely.

3. CDN Conflicts

Disable CDN Temporarily: Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) like Cloudflare can sometimes cause conflicts with your WordPress dashboard.

  • How to Do It: Temporarily disable your CDN and check if the dashboard loads correctly. If it does, the issue may be related to caching or settings within the CDN.
  • Purge CDN Cache: If disabling the CDN isn’t an option, try purging the CDN cache to see if it resolves the issue. This forces the CDN to fetch a fresh version of your site’s files.

4. Debugging with WP_DEBUG

Enable WordPress Debugging: WP_DEBUG is a built-in feature in WordPress that can help you identify PHP errors or warnings that might be causing dashboard issues.

  • How to Do It: Add the following lines to your wp-config.php file to enable debugging:

    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

    This will log errors and warnings to a debug.log file in the wp-content directory. Review this file to identify any specific issues related to your dashboard’s loading problems.

  • Turn Off Debugging After Use: Remember to disable debugging after you’re done to avoid exposing sensitive information:

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);

5. Examine Server Configuration

Check PHP Version Compatibility: Ensure your server is running a compatible PHP version with your WordPress installation.

  • How to Do It: WordPress recommends PHP 7.4 or higher. You can check your PHP version through your hosting control panel or by creating a phpinfo.php file. If your PHP version is outdated, request an update from your hosting provider.

Review Server Error Logs: If you haven’t done so already, reviewing your server’s error logs can provide insights into any critical issues affecting your dashboard.

  • How to Do It: Access these logs through your hosting provider’s control panel, usually found under sections like "Logs" or "Error Logs." Look for recurring errors that might indicate a deeper problem with your server configuration.

6. Malware and Security Scans

Scan for Malware: Malware infections can corrupt files and interfere with your WordPress dashboard.

  • How to Do It: Use a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri to scan your website for malware. If any threats are detected, follow the plugin’s recommendations to remove them.

Check for Unauthorized Changes: Review your site’s recent changes, particularly in core files, themes, and plugins. Unauthorized modifications can be a sign of a security breach that could be affecting your dashboard.

7. Reinstall WordPress

Fresh Installation of WordPress: As a last resort, if all else fails, consider reinstalling WordPress to restore core functionality.

  • How to Do It: Backup your site first, then go to the WordPress dashboard under Dashboard > Updates, and click “Re-install Now.” Alternatively, you can manually re-upload WordPress core files via FTP, as described in the previous section.

Preventive Measures to Avoid WordPress Dashboard Not Loading Issues

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to keeping your WordPress dashboard running smoothly. By implementing the following preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of encountering dashboard loading issues in the future.

1. Keep WordPress, Themes, and Plugins Updated

Regular Updates: Keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date is crucial for maintaining site stability and security.

  • How to Do It: Enable automatic updates for minor WordPress core updates. Regularly check for updates to themes and plugins, and install them as soon as they become available. This ensures compatibility with the latest WordPress version and reduces the risk of issues such as WordPress dashboard CSS not loading.

2. Use Reliable and Compatible Plugins/Themes

Quality Over Quantity: Avoid using too many plugins, especially ones that are not regularly updated or have poor reviews.

  • How to Do It: Before installing a new plugin or theme, check its compatibility with your WordPress version, read user reviews, and ensure it’s actively maintained by the developer. Consider using well-known and trusted plugins/themes that have a history of reliable performance.

3. Optimize Your Database Regularly

Database Maintenance: A bloated or corrupted database can slow down your site and result in your WordPress dashboard not loading properly.

  • How to Do It: Use plugins like WP-Optimize or WP-Sweep to clean up and optimize your database. These tools help remove unnecessary data, such as old revisions, spam comments, and transient options, ensuring your database remains lean and efficient.
WP Optimize database optimizations

4. Monitor Server Performance and Resource Usage

Keep an Eye on Server Resources: Regularly monitor your server’s resource usage, including CPU, memory, and disk space, to ensure your site has enough resources to operate smoothly.

  • How to Do It: Many hosting providers offer built-in monitoring tools, or you can use server monitoring plugins. If you notice high resource usage, consider upgrading your hosting plan or optimizing your site to reduce load.

5. Implement a Backup Strategy

Regular Backups: Always have a backup plan in place to restore your site quickly if something goes wrong.

  • How to Do It: Use backup plugins like UpdraftPlus to schedule regular backups of your entire site, including the database and files. Store backups in multiple locations (e.g., cloud storage, local storage) to ensure you can recover your site in case of a failure.

6. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) Wisely

Optimize CDN Settings: A CDN can enhance site performance, but improper settings can cause issues.

  • How to Do It: Ensure your CDN settings are properly configured, and regularly purge the cache to avoid serving outdated content. If you’re unsure about CDN settings, consult your provider or a web professional.

7. Enable Security and Malware Protection

Secure Your Site: Implement robust security measures to protect your site from malware and attacks that could cause dashboard issues.

  • How to Do It: Use security plugins like Wordfence, Sucuri, or Solid Security to monitor your site for vulnerabilities, block malicious traffic, and perform regular malware scans. Ensure your site is using a strong password and consider implementing two-factor authentication for added security.

8. Regularly Review Site Logs and Debugging Information

Proactive Monitoring: Regularly reviewing your site’s logs and debugging information can help you spot potential issues before they escalate.

  • How to Do It: Check your server error logs, WordPress debug logs (if enabled), and performance reports regularly. Address any errors or warnings that appear, even if they don’t seem to be causing immediate problems.

9. Avoid Overloading Your Site with Heavy Custom Code

Keep Custom Code Lean: While customizing your site is important, sometimes while adding CSS to our WordPress dashboard we can overload it with heavy scripts and custom code which can lead to performance issues.

  • How to Do It: Use lightweight code snippets and avoid unnecessary scripts. If you’re not experienced with coding, consider hiring a developer to ensure your customizations are optimized for performance.

10. Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider

Invest in Quality Hosting: Your hosting provider plays a crucial role in your site’s performance and stability.

  • How to Do It: Choose a hosting provider that offers reliable performance, excellent customer support, and server environments optimized for WordPress. If you experience frequent server-related issues, consider switching to a more reputable provider.
  • sdaf

Final Thoughts

Dealing with WordPress dashboard not loading issues can be a frustrating experience, but with a systematic approach, you can identify and resolve the underlying problems effectively.

It’s about understanding the common symptoms, diagnosing potential causes, and applying the right solutions. Doing these 3 things can help you restore your dashboard's functionality and ensure smooth website management.

Whether the issue stems from browser-related problems, plugin conflicts, server-side errors, or more advanced configurations, this guide provides the tools and steps needed to troubleshoot and fix the problem, helping you regain control of your WordPress site with confidence.

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