How to create an API Key?

The Google Pagespeed Insights tool analyzes the loading speed and performance of your website, offering recommendations to enhance site efficiency. It helps to improve response times, reduce download sizes, minimize resource requests, and ultimately boost your website's performance. This feature is essential for both user experience and SEO.

To integrate this tool with WP Adminify, you’ll need to create a Google Pagespeed Insights API key. Here's how you can generate and configure the API key to get started.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Google PageSpeed Insights API Key:

1. Ensure You Are Logged into Your Google Account:

  • Before you begin, ensure that you’re logged into your Google Account in your browser. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create an account.

2. Access the Google Pagespeed Insights Documentation:

  • Visit the official Google Pagespeed Insights API documentation by following this link. This page provides detailed instructions on how to use the API.
Create Google PageSpeed Insights API key

3. Click “Get a Key”:

  • Scroll down the page until you see the “Get a Key” button.
  • Click this button and wait a few moments for a popup window to appear.
enable pagespeed insights api option

4. Select or Create a Project:

  • In the popup, you’ll see an option to either select an existing project or create a new project.
  • If you want to create a new project specifically for PageSpeed Insights, click on “+ Create a new project”.
  • If you want to enable Pagespeed API on an existing project, simply choose the project from the dropdown list.
Google Pagespeed insights project name

5. Create Your API Key:

  • Whether you’ve chosen to create a new project or use an existing one, the next step is to click Next.
  • Google will generate your API key in a few seconds. Once it's ready, copy the API key that appears on the screen.
Google Pagespeed insights api Key generate

6. Set the API Key in WP Adminify:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to WP Adminify settings.
  • Go to WP Adminify > Google Pagespeed within the WP Adminify dashboard menu.
  • Paste the API key you just generated into the API Key input field.
Add Google Pagespeed insights API Key in WP Adminify

7. Save Your Settings:

  • After pasting your API key, make sure to click Save Settings to apply the changes.

You’re now ready to start using the Google Pagespeed Insights module within WP Adminify.

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Updated on December 2, 2024

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